Online course"Bilobrov PROTraget: Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok"

Personal curator
7 modules. 35 lectures. 60 tasks.

Who is the course for?

Newcomers to targeting

Those who want to learn a popular specialty from scratch

SMM specialists

Those who want to gain competitive skills and become multidisciplinary specialists


Those who run their own business and want to promote it on social media

You will learn:

    Work successfully with Facebook ADS
    Set up targeted advertising on Facebook, Instagram
    Optimize and scale advertising campaigns
    Track the effectiveness of your work
    Create a marketing strategy from scratch
    Analyze the target audience and competitors
    Write selling texts and advertising creatives
    Find and successfully communicate with customers

Advantages of targeting:

    Labor market demand. In times of crisis, advertising becomes more important, and business targeting specialists are among the first to be needed.
    High income. An experienced targeting specialist can manage 5 to 10 projects alone or with a small team. With an average check of 12000 UAH per project, you can earn from 60 to 120 thousand UAH per month.
    Quick start. Many students find projects during their studies and recoup their investment in the course even before it is completed.
    Remote work. This profession allows you not to be tied to any place - you can work remotely from anywhere in the world.
    Savings. If you are a business owner, you need to at least understand how targeted advertising works and what you can demand from specialists or save money in the early stages and take over this functionality.

How the training takes place

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    Personal curator

    Each student will have his or her own personal tutor-assistant who will give feedback on homework, give advice on studying issues, and remind them of all important deadlines.

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    30% Theory 一
    70% Practice

    Our training is based on putting all the information into practical application at work, so you get most of your training in practical skills.

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    You will have a student chat where you can find interesting people, discuss marketing trends, learn about targeting tricks, and just chat.

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    At the end of the training, upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a personalized certificate of successful completion of the course, which will help you confirm your real skills.

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    Short and to the point

    We have squeezed the material out of the water and timed the lectures to 30 minutes. So you can find time to study and not lose concentration.

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    At a convenient time

    Lectures and materials are available in your personal account. Study the course at your own pace and on your favorite device: phone, tablet, or computer.

Course program

Module 1
Diving into the world of targeting; analysis and strategy

  • What is marketing and digital marketing?

    Marketing is the process of creating, planning, executing, and evaluating various activities aimed at developing and selling goods or services to meet the needs and desires of consumers and generate profit for the company. The main components of marketing include market research, product positioning, promotion and advertising.

    Digital marketing is marketing that uses electronic technologies and online channels to attract, engage and retain customers. This can include channels such as social media, email, search engine optimization (SEO), contextual advertising, video advertising, and more.

  • Briefing the client and analyzing the target audience of his business

    Client briefing is the process of collecting information about the client's business, goals, and needs for marketing services. This stage allows you to understand what specific marketing goals the client has, what are the key problems they need to solve, what kind of competitive environment they operate in, what are their strengths and weaknesses.

    Target audience analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing information about consumers who are the client's target audience. This stage allows you to understand who the target audience is, what their basic needs are, what communication methods they use, which market segments are most attractive, and how you can effectively interact with them.

  • Competitor analysis

    Competitive analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing information about competing companies in order to understand their strategies and strengths and weaknesses. This stage allows you to determine how you can differentiate yourself from competitors, what the advantages and disadvantages of your own business may be, and how you can improve your products and services. To conduct a competitor analysis, you can use such methods as market research, positioning analysis, price comparison, analysis of marketing campaigns, analysis of competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and others. As a result of the analysis, you can obtain important information for formulating your own strategy and action plan.

  • Audit of landing and pages before work

    A pre-launch landing page audit is a process of evaluating and analyzing the quality of pages that lead to advertisements. The main goal of the audit is to understand how you can improve the pages to maximize the conversion effect.

    The following evaluation criteria can be used to conduct an audit:

    1. General appearance and design of the page - includes an assessment of the design, interaction of elements, colors, block placement, and other parameters.

    2. Content quality - assesses the quality and relevance of the content on the page, including titles, descriptions, texts, videos, and other elements.

    3. Functionality - evaluates the functionality of page elements, such as buttons, forms, links, and others.

    4. SEO-optimization - evaluates the presence of keywords, tags, headings, and other elements that help to ensure a high level of page traffic in search engines.

    5. Conversion rate analysis - evaluates how effectively the page converts visitors into customers or subscribers.

    After the audit, you can determine what specific changes need to be made to the pages to improve the conversion rate.

  • Choosing the right advertising strategy

    Choosing the right advertising strategy is the process of selecting the most effective way to promote a product or service. Choosing the right advertising strategy can help ensure a successful campaign and maximize profits.

  • Creating an advertising offer

    Creating an advertising offer is the process of creating an offer that attracts the attention of the target audience and encourages them to buy a product or service. An offer may contain a variety of information, including discounts, gifts, free shipping, free trials, quality guarantees, the duration of the promotion, and others.


Module 2Technical part, advertising office

  • How targeted advertising works. Instagram and Facebook Ads advertising accounts

    How targeted advertising works:

    1. Defining the target audience - before launching an advertising campaign, you need to clearly define the target audience you want to reach.

    2. Choosing an advertising channel - advertising channels can include social networks, search engines, websites, and others.

    3. Setting up targeting - you need to set up targeting parameters, such as age, gender, location, interests, and others, so that the ads are directed to the target audience.

    4. Creating an advertising offer - advertising should be attractive and meet the needs of the target audience.

    5. Evaluate the effectiveness - after launching the campaign, you should evaluate its effectiveness and make the necessary adjustments.

    Instagram and Facebook Ads are tools for placing targeted ads on these social networks. Both accounts have a similar interface and features, but some functions may differ. In the Facebook Ads account, you can create ads for Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms, as well as set up targeting options. In the Instagram account, you can place ads only on this social network. Both accounts allow you to create various ad formats, including photos, videos, carousels, and others

  • Types of campaigns and advertising campaign goals, their structure

    Types of campaigns and goals of an advertising campaign:

    1. Brand Awareness Campaigns - aim to increase attention to the brand and its products or services.

    2. Lead Generation campaigns are aimed at attracting new customers, increasing the number of inquiries and potential buyers.

    3. Conversion campaigns are aimed at increasing the number of sales of products or services.

    4. Customer Loyalty campaigns are aimed at maintaining and increasing the loyalty of current customers.

    5. Customer Retention campaigns are aimed at retaining current customers and reducing the number of product or service abandonments.

    The structure of an advertising campaign:

    1. Setting up a campaign - includes setting campaign goals, selecting advertising channels, setting up targeting parameters, and other parameters.

    2. Audience creation - includes creating a target audience for advertising based on customer data.

    3. Creating an advertising offer - includes creating an offer that attracts attention and stimulates the purchase of a product or service.

    4. Creating an advertising campaign - includes the creation and customization of advertising content, including text, video, photos, etc.

  • Setting up audiences in FB and Instagram accounts

    Setting up audiences in your Facebook and Instagram accounts includes the following steps:

    1. Creating an audience - in the advertising account, select "Audience Manager" and create a new audience.

    2. Selecting the type of audience - different types of audiences are available in Facebook and Instagram accounts, such as Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, Saved Audiences, and others.

    3. Setting up audience parameters - includes setting up targeting parameters such as age, gender, location, interests, behavior, etc.

    4. Create a Lookalike audience - this is an audience that is similar to an existing audience based on common features.

    5. Increase the size of the audience - in Facebook and Instagram accounts, you can expand the audience by adding additional criteria and parameters.

    6. Saving and using audiences - after creating and customizing an audience, you can save it for use in future campaigns.

  • Distribution of money for advertising and VAT

    The allocation of money for advertising and VAT depends on a number of factors, such as the company's budget, type of product or service, target audience, and others. However, general guidelines for allocating the budget for advertising and VAT may be as follows:

    1. Advertising budget - the recommended amount of funds allocated for advertising can be from 5% to 10% of the company's total sales. However, for new companies that do not yet have a recognized brand and require efforts to attract customers, it may be recommended to allocate more funds for advertising.

    2. VAT - VAT (value-added tax) varies by country and type of product or service, but typically ranges from 5% to 20%. Determining the VAT can be important for planning your advertising budget and setting prices for your products or services.

    3. Allocation of the budget to advertising channels - the allocation of the budget to different advertising channels, such as social media, search engines, and others, may depend on the target audience and the type of product or service. For example, if the target audience is young and uses social media, then more funds can be allocated to social media advertising.

    In general, the recommended amount of funds allocated for advertising can range from 5% to 10% of the company's total sales, and VAT depends on the country and type of product or service.

Module 3
Creatives and copywriting

  • Secrets of copywriting. What should be in the texts to make them catchy

    Some of the main copywriting secrets that can help you create catchy and attention-grabbing copy are as follows:

    1. The beginning of the text should be attractive and interesting to make the reader interested in the product or service.

    2. The text should be short and concise, so as not to distract the reader and not to overload him with information.

    3. Words that create an emotional connection with the reader can help to capture their attention. Such words can be associated with positive emotions, such as happiness, love, comfort, etc.

    4. Specificity and clarity - the text should be clear and simple so that the reader can easily understand what you are offering.

    5. Persuasiveness - the text should convince the reader to buy the product or use the service using various persuasive methods, such as social proof, benefits, guarantees, etc.

    6. Use of headings and subheadings - this helps to make the text more structured and organized, which makes it easier for the reader to navigate through it.

    7. Use of videos and illustrations - this can help to dilute the text and make it more interesting and attractive to the reader.

    8. Use of rhetorical questions - this can help to attract the reader's attention and make them interested in the product or service.

    To summarize, successful copywriting should be attractive, short, persuasive, and easy to understand.

  • Principles of creativity in design

    The design should be creative and aesthetic, as well as meet the goals and needs of the brand. Some of the principles of creativity in design are:

    1. Simplification - the design should be simple and clear to be easily perceived by the target audience.

    2. Symmetry and balance - it is important to maintain symmetry and balance in design to create a harmonious image.

    3. Colors - the choice of colors should be consistent with the brand and its goals. Colors should be harmonious and attractive to the target audience.

    4. Text - the text should be clear, easy to read and attractive to the target audience.

    5. Innovation - the design should be innovative and original to stand out from the competition.

    6. Structure - the design should have a logical and understandable structure to be easily perceived by the target audience.

    7. Image - the design should reflect the brand's image and create positive associations in the target audience's brain.

    8. Contrast - contrast in design helps to highlight the main element and make the design more attractive to the target audience.

  • How to work with a designer and give a clear statement of work

    To give a clear statement of work (SOW) to a designer, it's best to follow these steps:

    Describe your brand and product/service. Write a brief description of your brand and what you offer. For example: "We are a company that offers web design services for small businesses."

    Define your target audience. Tell us who exactly your product/service will be intended for. For example: "We target small businesses with a budget of less than $5000."

    Define the main objectives of the project. Write down exactly what you want to achieve with this project. For example: "We want to design a logo and website for our company to attract new customers."

    Define how you see the design. Mention what colors, fonts, and style you want to use. For example: "We want to use light and warm colors and a clean and easy-to-read font."

    Examples of designs you like. Provide examples of designs that you like, including what you like about them.

    Identify the files and formats you need. Write down what files and formats you need for your project. For example: "We need a vector format of the logo and a PSD file of the web design."

    When discussing the TOR with the designer, be specific and provide as much detail as possible.

  • Figma interface

    Figma is an online interface design tool that allows you to create prototypes, mockups, and other design elements in real time. Figma's interface is intuitive and easy to use, with many useful features and capabilities for creating projects of any complexity.

  • Creating creatives for advertising

    To create creative for advertising, you should follow these steps:

    1. Define your goal: Before creating creatives, it is important to determine what goal you want to achieve. For example, to attract new customers, increase sales, or raise brand awareness.

    2. Study your target audience: before creating creatives, it is important to study your target audience, determine their needs, wishes and interests.

    3. Choose the right platform: determine on which platform you will publish your creatives. The choice of platform depends on your target audience and the type of advertising.

    4. Use attractive images: use high-quality and attractive images that will grab the attention of your target audience.

    5. Use appropriate text: the text of the creative should be short, clear and interesting for your audience. Use convincing arguments and emotional words.

    6. Add your brand: add elements of your brand to the creative to attract attention and make it recognizable.

    7. Test and analyze: test different versions of creatives and analyze their effectiveness to fix the shortcomings and achieve better results.

    Remember that creative must be attractive, interesting, and meet the needs of your target audience to be successful in an advertising campaign.


Module 4Launching and optimizing targeted advertising

  • Launching advertising on a profile, promoting publications

    The following steps are recommended for launching profile advertising and promoting publications:

    1. Choose a platform: determine which platform you want to run ads on. The most popular platforms for promoting content are Instagram and Facebook.

    2. Set an advertising goal: Before running an ad, it is important to determine what goal you want to achieve. It can be to increase brand awareness, attract new customers, or increase sales.

    3. Select your audience: define your target audience based on age groups, location, interests, and more.

    4. Create creative: create an attractive and informative creative that will grab the attention of your target audience.

    5. Set a budget: determine the budget you want to spend on advertising.

    6. Launch the ad: after completing the previous steps, launch the ad campaign and check its effectiveness.

    7. Analyze the results: after launching the ad, analyze its results and make necessary changes to improve its effectiveness.

    8. Continue to promote posts: continue to publish informative and engaging content to increase your audience and attract new customers.

    Remember that to effectively promote your publications, you need to understand your target audience and use attractive and interesting content.

  • Working with lead forms, uploading leads

    Lead forms (or lead capture forms) are a tool that allows you to collect contact information from visitors to your website or social media page who have shown interest in your product or service. To work with lead forms and download leads, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Create a lead form: create a form that contains fields for entering contact information from your target audience. A lead form can be created using special services such as Google Forms, JotForm, or Wufoo.

    2. Post the lead form: place the lead form on your website or social media page. To do this, you can use an embed code or a link to the form.

    3. Engage your target audience: use effective methods to attract your target audience to your lead form, such as email campaigns, social media, advertising, etc.

    4. Upload leads: after collecting contact information, upload leads to the CRM database or other marketing automation tools for further processing.

    5. Analyze the results: analyze the data collected from the lead form to understand which methods of engagement work best and how to improve the effectiveness of future campaigns.

    6. Learn and improve: constantly improve your lead collection and processing methods to achieve better results and attract more customers.

  • Setting up Facebook Pixel and standard events on the site

    Facebook Pixel is a code that allows you to track the behavior of visitors on your website and collect valuable information about your audience for further use in advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. To set up Facebook Pixel and standard events on your website, follow these steps:

    1. Create an account and Pixel: Sign up for Facebook Business Manager and create a new account. Add Pixel to your account by clicking on the Pixels tab.

    2. Install the Pixel code on your website: copy the Pixel code and paste it on each page of your website, before the </head> closing tag.

    3. Set up standard events: select standard events that are responsible for the behavior of visitors on your site, such as page view, adding a product to the cart, checkout, and others.

    4. Install standard events on your site: customize each standard event on your site by installing a special code on the page with the corresponding event.

    5. Check for correct installation: check if the Pixel code and standard events are installed correctly on your website using the Facebook Pixel Helper tool.

    6. Analyze and use the data: Analyze the data collected by Pixel and standard events and use it to further improve your advertising campaigns.

    Remember that setting up Facebook Pixel and standard events on your website will allow you to collect valuable information about your audience's behavior and use it to effectively target your Facebook and Instagram ads.

  • Working with dynamic retargeting (for e-commerce projects)

    Dynamic retargeting is a tool that allows you to automatically display ads on Facebook and Instagram for users who have already interacted with your website or products. To work with dynamic retargeting for e-commerce projects, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Set up Facebook Pixel: set up Facebook Pixel and standard events on your website. Install the Pixel code on all pages of your website and set up standard events to track visitor behavior.

    2. Create a product catalog: create a product catalog on Facebook, add all your products, and ensure that your data is updated in real time.

    3. Create ad templates: create ad templates to use in dynamic retargeting. The templates can include a photo, product name, description, price, and other characteristics.

    4. Set up dynamic retargeting: Set up dynamic retargeting based on your website visitors who have viewed products or added them to the cart but did not checkout. Use ad templates to automatically create ads that contain the products your visitors have viewed.

    5. Testing and optimization: Test different variations of ads and dynamic retargeting settings to find the most effective options. Analyze the data and make the necessary changes to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

  • Advertising optimization, analysis of intermediate metrics, scaling

    Optimizing your campaigns, analyzing intermediate metrics, and scaling are key steps in improving your Facebook and Instagram ad performance. The recommended steps for this process are as follows:

    1. Setting up goals and metrics: set clear goals and metrics for each ad campaign to track their performance. For this purpose, use standard Facebook events and custom conversions.

    2. Analyze intermediate metrics: Analyze intermediate metrics such as cost per click (CPC), cost per thousand impressions (CPM), click-through rate (CTR), and others to understand which campaigns are performing better and how they can be improved.

    3. Optimize your campaigns: customize your campaigns and ad groups for maximum efficiency. Use A/B testing and experiment with different ad variations, audiences, and settings.

    4. Scale your campaigns: once you've achieved positive results with your campaigns, expand their reach, add more budget, and consider using new audiences.

    5. Learn and improve: Continuously improve your campaign optimization techniques, analyze data, and learn from the best practices in your industry.

  • Dealing with problems in advertising

    When advertising on Facebook and Instagram, you may encounter various issues, such as a decrease in campaign performance, an ad account being blocked, or a malfunctioning Facebook Pixel. The recommended steps for dealing with problems with Facebook and Instagram ads are as follows:

    1. Analyze the data and intermediate metrics: The collected data and intermediate metrics can help you identify problems in your ad campaign. Analyze data and intermediate metrics such as CPM, CTR, CPA, and others to understand what aspects of the campaign may be responsible for its poor performance.

    2. Check your campaign settings: Check your campaign settings and make sure they are aligned with your goals and metrics. Adjust your ads, audiences, and ad serving settings to maximize your campaign.

    3. Check ad restrictions: Check if there are any restrictions on advertising on Facebook and Instagram, such as restrictions on advertising adult content, account bans, or a ban on certain types of ads.

    4. Test Facebook Pixel: Test Facebook Pixel and make sure it is configured correctly and works on all pages of your site.

  • How to contact Facebook tech support and in what cases

    Facebook Technical Support is a service that helps users solve problems with their advertising account, advertising campaigns, or other issues related to Facebook and Instagram.

    To contact Facebook Technical Support, you need to:

    1. Log in to your Facebook account.

    2. Click on the menu icon (three lines) in the upper right corner of the screen.

    3. Select Help & Support.

    4. Select Show More and Ad Support.

    5. Select the topic related to your issue and follow the steps to get help.

    You can also use online chat with a technical support representative or send a request for consideration by email.

    There are different reasons for contacting Facebook technical support, for example

    - Problems with creating or launching an advertising campaign;
    - Problems with the calculation of advertising costs;
    - Problems with Facebook Pixel or other code on the website;
    - Facebook account or advertising account blocking;
    - Questions about Facebook and Instagram advertising rules and policies.

Module 5

  • Decomposition, sales funnel, payback forecasts

    Decomposition, sales funnel, and payback forecasts are important tools for effective sales planning and control.

    Decomposition means breaking down a complex task into smaller and more understandable components, which simplifies the management and planning process. When decomposing the sales process, you can break it down into steps, such as lead generation, contacting potential customers, negotiating sales terms, and others. This decomposition helps to track each stage of the sales process and monitor its effectiveness.

    A sales funnel is a model that shows the path a customer takes from the first contact with a company to the conclusion of a deal. The sales funnel consists of several stages, such as need awareness, interest, evaluation, negotiation, and closing. The sales funnel helps a company understand at what stage a potential customer is lost and improve the sales process in general.

    Return on investment (ROI) is the calculation of the expected profit from investments in advertising or other activities. Various tools and techniques can be used to forecast ROI, including mathematical models and statistical data analysis.

  • Installing and configuring analytics/pixels on your own

    You can install and configure analytics and pixels on your website by yourself using the following steps:

    1. Create an account with an analytics service. The most popular analytics service is Google Analytics. To create an account, go to and register.

    2. Add the analytics code to your website. After creating an account, get the code from Google Analytics and add it to your website. This is usually done by inserting the code into the <head> tag of your website.

    3. Set up goals and events. After installing the analytics code on your site, set up goals and events to measure your site's performance. For example, set a goal to go to the order page or to send a request.

    4. Install the Facebook Pixel. The Facebook Pixel is a code that allows you to track the interaction of visitors with your website and use this information to place ads on Facebook and Instagram. Add the Facebook Pixel code to your website and set up standard events, such as page views or adding an item to the cart.

    5. Set up conversion tracking on Facebook and Instagram. Set up conversion tracking on Facebook and Instagram to see what actions your visitors take on your website after clicking through from Facebook and Instagram ads.

    6. Check if analytics and pixels are working correctly. After installing and configuring analytics and pixels, check if they are working correctly.

  • What analytics gives us in practice

    Analytics allows you to collect and analyze data on user interaction with your website or advertising, which allows you to make informed decisions and improve your business performance.

    The main advantages of analytics in practice:

    1. It allows you to understand your audience. Analytics helps you collect data about user behavior on your website and understand their needs and interests. With this data, you can improve your content and offer more relevant products or services.

    2. Allows you to understand the effectiveness of your advertising. Analytics helps you track user interaction with your ads and evaluate their effectiveness. With this data, you can find more effective ways to advertise and reduce your advertising costs.

    3. It helps to improve conversion rates. Analytics helps you track every stage of user interaction with your website and ads. With this data, you can find weaknesses in your sales process and improve them to increase conversions.

    4. Allows you to understand the effectiveness of your content. Analytics helps you collect data about user behavior on your website and evaluate the effectiveness of your content. With this data, you can understand which content attracts more attention from users and improve it.


Module 6Finding and working with clients

  • Free customer search

    Free customer research may take more time and effort than paid methods, but it can be quite effective. Here are some free ways to find customers:

    1. Social media. Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter can be great tools for finding potential customers. Create a profile for your company and add content to draw attention to your business. Use hashtags to promote your posts and attract new customers.

    2. Blogging. Create a blog to share your experience and knowledge in your industry. Your blog can attract the attention of potential customers and become a means of attracting new customers.

    3. SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) can help you appear in search results on Google and other search engines. Create your company's website and optimize it for keywords that users can use to find your product or service.

    4. Recommendations. Promote your work with your current customers and ask them to recommend you to their friends. This can be a very effective way to attract new customers.

  • Paid customer search

    Paid customer prospecting is a way to attract new customers by investing in advertising campaigns. Here are some paid ways to find customers:

    1. Google Ads. Google Ads is a platform that allows you to place ads on Google and its partner sites. You can place ads in Google search results and on partner sites to attract new customers.

    2. Facebook and Instagram Ads. Facebook and Instagram Ads are tools for advertising on social media. You can place ads in the news feeds of your potential customers, as well as on various advertising platforms on Facebook and Instagram.

    3. LinkedIn Ads. LinkedIn Ads is a tool for advertising on the professional social network LinkedIn. You can place ads in front of your target audience to attract new customers.

    4. Influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a collaboration with well-known personalities on social media who can promote your brand or product. It can be an effective way to attract new customers.

    5. Advertising in the media. Advertising in the media, such as television, radio, and newspapers, can be an effective way to attract new customers. However, it can be quite expensive and less targeted to a specific audience.

  • Packaging yourself: social networks and portfolios

    Packaging yourself is an important aspect of any career. Social media and portfolios can help you showcase your skills and knowledge in your chosen field.

    1. Social media. Social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can be useful tools for packaging yourself. Create a profile that is professional and interesting to your target audience. Add your accomplishments, professional skills, and experience to attract the attention of potential employers or clients.

    2. Portfolio. A portfolio can be an effective way to showcase your abilities and achievements in your field. Create a portfolio that contains your best work, projects, and achievements. Post it on your website or social media community.

    3. Finding clients. Use social media to find clients and opportunities. Join groups and communities related to your industry and use them to network and share experiences with other professionals in your field.

    4. Be active. Be active on social media, share your thoughts, knowledge and experience. Be open to communicating and connecting with other professionals and potential clients.

  • "How to build a dialog with a client? Pricing"

    Building a dialog with the customer and pricing are important aspects in any business. Here are some practical tips on these issues:

    1. Start by understanding the customer's needs. Pay attention to their problems, wishes, and expectations. Ask questions and listen to the answers to understand how your products or services can help them solve their problems.

    2. Find a solution. Once you understand the customer's needs, try to offer a solution that meets their needs. Discuss possible options and find a common approach to solving problems.

    3. Be transparent in your pricing. Show the client how you formulate your prices. Use the price as an opportunity to discuss other aspects of the business, such as the quality of goods or services, guarantees, deadlines, etc.

    4. Set a realistic price. Don't overcharge, but don't undercharge either. Set a realistic price that reflects the quality of your product or service and allows you to make enough profit.

    5. Discuss additional costs. Discuss with the customer any additional costs associated with your product or service, such as shipping or installation costs. Be honest and transparent to avoid any unpleasant surprises for the customer.

Module 7
Advertising on TikTok

  • TikTok Ads account overview, differences from FB, features

    A TikTok Ads account is a tool that allows you to advertise your products or services on the TikTok platform. Here are some of the features and differences between TikTok Ads and Facebook Ads:

    1. Audience. TikTok has a younger audience, especially among teens and young adults. This can be useful for those who want to succeed in this target group.

    2. Advertising formats. TikTok has its own unique ad formats, such as in-stream ads, branded filters, and hashtags. They can help to attract the attention of the audience and make your brand more memorable.

    3. Prices. TikTok ad prices can be a bit higher than Facebook Ads, especially if you want to succeed in popular categories like fashion or beauty.

    4. Collaboration with influencers. TikTok has become increasingly popular among influencers, which can be useful for brands that want to collaborate with influencers on this platform.

    5. International audience. TikTok has a global audience, which can help brands expand their reach to new markets. However, if you are targeting a specific region, you need to customize your campaigns accordingly.

    6. Operating system. TikTok Ads is only available on mobile devices, which can be useful for those who target their ads to mobile users.

  • Trends, creatives, gimmicks, advertising launch

    Here are a few trends, creatives, and tricks that can help you launch your ads:

    1. Videos and live streams. Video is becoming an increasingly popular advertising format, especially on platforms that specialize in video, such as YouTube and TikTok. Live streams are also becoming increasingly popular, as they allow you to interact with the audience in real time.

    2. Automated advertising. Automated advertising is becoming more and more popular as it allows you to effectively allocate your budget and optimize campaigns using machine learning and algorithms.

    3. Graphic design and animation. Good design can be a decisive factor in whether your ad is clicked. Use creative graphic elements and animations to make your ads more attractive and memorable.

    4. Advertising on behalf of influencers. Collaborating with influencers can help you draw attention to your brand and increase conversions. Influencers can help you capture the attention of your target audience and increase their trust in your brand.

    5. Interactive advertising. Using interactive elements in your ads can make your ads more interesting and memorable.


Employment assistance

We provide not just theory

In addition to training, we will help you create a resume and prepare a portfolio that will help you find a full-time job or freelance projects

● How to create a resume and portfolio
● How to do well in an interview
● Where to look for cool freelance jobs or projects
● How to increase the check for services and provide value to the client
● Affiliate vacancies for the best students



Alexander Belobrov


Targetologist of Facebook Ads, Digital Strategist at Marketing 1.61. Experience with 56 projects in various niches.
I work with $30,000+ budget monthly

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Alexander Belobrov

Owner of the Internet agency "Marketing 1.61"